صفحة: 73
Background Information Different Ways to Give Charity Maimonides , Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon ( 1135-1204 ) , described eight ways to give charity , putting them in order from the most to the least desirable . There are eight levels of charity ... 1 . The highest level is to give a person a gift or a loan or to help them find employment so that they no longer need to depend on the generosity of others ... 8 . The lowest level is to give reluctantly “ with a sour face . ” ( Mishneh Torah , Laws of Charity , 10 : 7-14 ) 4 As mentioned above , Baron de Rothschild wanted his contributions to enable the settlers to support themselves . Which of Maimonides’ levels of charity does this correspond to ? 5 Baron de Rothschild sent his own agents to supervise the distribution of his contributions to the settlers in the land of Israel . However , these agents distributed the money reluctantly , causing the farmers to feel needy and dependent . What would Maimonides have thought about this ? Complete the sentence : On the one hand ... but on the other hand ... 6 Look at the map on page 138 . Find the country where the Jews who needed help in this particular case lived . Find the country where Baron de Rothschild lived . Draw an arrow between the countries to show the origin and the destination of the support .