صفحة: 60
Let’ ’ s Talk The following are examples of questions that you could ask students in Israel in order to stimulate conversation . What do you think about Hadas’s story ? Do you agree with the court ruling ? Why ? Are football games held on Shabbat or on Jewish holidays where you live ? Do you think that is ok ? Why ? Which dilemma did you find most interesting or surprising ? Why ? The following are examples of questions that students in Israel are likely to ask you about your lives as Jews living in the Diaspora . Do you also feel you have to juggle different identities because you live in a world which is both Jewish and non-Jewish ? Explain . Have you or your parents ever been faced with similar dilemmas because you are Jewish ? What was the situation ? Did you consult with anyone ? What decision did you make and how did you feel about it afterwards ? Imagine you had to request to postpone an event , such as a trip or a sports competition , which is scheduled to take place on Shabbat or on a Jewish holiday . What kind of response do you think you would receive ? In what ways does being Jewish affect the day to day decisions you make in your life ? For example , regarding your social life or sports events , celebrating Shabbat and Jewish holidays , etc .