صفحة: 55
Miep , Holland : Hi everyone ! Debbie , I’m glad you joined the forum . I can really relate to your situation . My best friend is also not Jewish and the exact same thing could so easily happen to me . Did you check the day that Passover begins ? If it’s at the beginning of your vacation or at the end , maybe you could be at the Seder and also go on vacation with your friend . I know it isn’t a perfect solution as you don’t get the whole vacation with your friend , and there is still the problem of celebrating Easter , but it’s a compromise that would let you be with your family for the Seder . Debbie , Canada : Yeah ... I also thought about that , but it’s just too far away so it won’t work . My parents won’t let me make the trip by myself . Miep , Holland : Oh right . I didn’t think about that . Holland is such a small country . Nothing is very far away here . OK ... well , I’ll keep on trying to think of a solution . Your Assignment Prepare a five minute skit presenting Debbie’s dilemma . Include advisors who you think Debbie should consult ( parents , Jewish and non-Jewish friends , classmates , forum participants , etc . ) . Present at least two arguments in support of each side . Conclude your presentation with the best possible solution . Suggestions Depict the following situations : Debbie’s conversation with the person she decided to consult . Debbie’s thoughts about skiing with Jane and celebrating Easter with a Christian family . Debbie’s attempt to respect some of the Passover customs while on vacation with a Christian family . The reactions of Debbie’s grandparents to her absence during the Seder . Additional Assignment : Write a response to Debbie .