صفحة: 36
L •• rs t t •• E •• t 1 r Our readers ask ... My daughter immigrated to Israel a year ago and I ’ m struggling with her decision . On the one hand , I ’ m proud that she is an Israeli citizen , but on the other hand , Israel is far away and I miss her . It is hard to accept that she has chosen to leave “ the good life ” that she has in France to live in a country where life is sometimes tough . I worry about her . Susie Elbaz Our readers reply ... I would like to reply to Mr . Gilles Ohana ’ s letter published in the last issue of The Jewish Lens . I , too , have a son who married a non-Jewish woman and I want to express my wholehearted support for your approach to your son ’ s marriage . Out of a sense of disappointment and disapprov al , many French Jews feel estranged from family members who intermarry and their relationship with them becomes somewhat embittered . I agree with you that it is our role to expose our grandchildren to the Jewish holidays and traditions in a warm and welcoming atmosphere . My wife and I treasure the Jewish holidays we spend with our grandchildren and I can assure you that they enjoy them as well ! I am sure that when they grow up , they will have very positive feelings about Jewish traditions and the Jewish people because we have shared our love of Judaism with them . I wish you luck with your son ! Georges Bensimon