صفحة: 12
Israel and Its Neighbors On November 29 , 1947 , the United Nations voted to divide Palestine into three parts . One part was to be under Jewish control , another under Arab control , and the third part—made up of Jerusalem and Bethlehem—was to become an international zone . The Zionists agreed to the plan , but the Arabs rejected it . The modern State of Israel , Medinat Yisrael , was established on May 14 , 1948 . Jews all around the world celebrated . The European Jewish population had been largely destroyed by the Holocaust , but the birth of the State of Israel offered new hope . After almost 2 , 000 years without a country , we finally had our homeland again . Many places in Israel are named after Theodor Herzl . Two such places are Mount Herzl and Herzliya . Mount Herzl , in Jerusalem , is the site of a military cemetery where Israel’s war heroes and great leaders––including Theodor Herzl and former prime minister Yitzh . ak Rabin––are buried . Herzliya is a town on Israel’s seacoast . Turn to the map on page 4 and label Herzliya by writing its name next to Herzl’s picture . Name the large body of water off the coast of Herzliya . When the partitioning , or dividing , of Palestine was announced , Jews celebrated in the streets in cities throughout Eretz Yisrael .
