صفحة: 6
A Land of Opposites Israel is a small country—about the size of New Jersey ! Yet , for such a small country , Israel is chock-full of opposites . To begin with , Israel is both very old and very new . As we travel around the country , you will see many places that are described in the Bible . So , Israel must be very old . But the modern State of Israel—Medinat Yisrael—is filled with airports , highways , video arcades , and fast food restaurants . So , Israel is also very new . The land itself is full of opposites . The Dead Sea , in eastern Israel , is 1 , 300 feet below sea level . It is the lowest point on earth ! Yet , only a few hours drive to the north is Mount Hermon , which has a ski resort . Mount Hermon’s snowy peaks rise to over 9 , 000 feet above sea level ! Getting chilly ? Just drive back south to Eilat , where it is warm enough to go snorkeling , even in the winter . The State of Israel is 7 , 992 square miles . New Jersey is 7 , 787 square miles . Look carefully at the keys on this computer keyboard . What do you notice ? In Israel , the language of the Bible is also the language of the Internet .
