صفحة: 23
Television and the Family The family on television is portrayed in many different ways , as we are told by Joanne Brooks in her book Television and the Family * . Skim the reviews written on the back cover of the book , look at the Table of Contents on page 24 and read the beginning of the Preface * on page 25 . What is the book about ? a S > What is the main idea of the book ? @ Are the chapters arranged chronologicall y or thematically ? 0 Who do you think would be interested in buying this book ? 0 Which television shows are discussed in this book ? Television and the Family Drawing on a wealth of anthropological data , Joanne Brooks offers a new theory on the relationships of the families that we see on TV and the way that we see our own families . This book will give readers plenty to talk about at the dinner table , Carol Smith , author of The Millennium Family In this 50-year history of the way television has portrayed the American family , Dr . Brooks explores the traditional roles in the changing family in America . She offers new explanations of how these roles have affected us and discusses the possible effects of television in a way that will surprise you . The Global Book Review * Note that the book and the author are made up . However . the issues are real and the book structure is typical of academic books . * Preface — an explanation at the beginning of a book to inform the reader of the author ' s purpose . e buying a book , people often skim the cover and look quickly at the Table of Contents . This gives them an idea of what the book is about and helps them decide if it is worth buying .