صفحة: 36
Section Task : Arrival Writing messages for a travel bulletin board or an Internet forum 1 . Read the following message from a travel forum on the Internet and decide what advice or tips you would give about traveling in your destination country . Subject : Traveling to Name : Clare Tracey I ' m 20 years old , from the UK and planning to travel to this summer . I ' ve never been there before and want to know if there are any social customs I need to know about . Also , I'd appreciate recommendations about the sights that are most worth seeing . Thanks . 2 . Write a reply using expressions such as : ? I suggest that you go / see / do ... ? It ' s a good idea to ... ? You shouldn ' t miss ... 3 . Write a message , which could be posted on a travel bulletin board or an Internet forum , in which you ask for advice or tips on your destination country . Include the following : ? the general subject ? details about yourself / your destination / the time of year that you are going ? specific questions you have about the destination 4 . Read over the two messages you have written and make corrections , using a spell-checker if necessary . 5 . Submit your two messages to two partners for assessment , one who has chosen the same destination country as you and one who has chosen a different destination country . Your partners will assess your work using the rubric on ^ ^ 101 . The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task . ? The first message makes recommendations that answer the question about the social customs of the destination country . ? Suitable expressions are used to give advice in the first message . ? The question / request for tips is clearly defined in the second message . ? Both messages are written according to the text type of bulletin board or Internet forum messages . ? I read over what I wrote , checked my spelling and grammar and made corrections as necessary .