صفحة: 18
Section Task : Arrival Writing a guidebook entry about a destination country Write a guidebook entry about a destination country that matches your travel personality . I . Read about \ arums countries on fij S ^ -ft 50 . 2 . Choose a destination country that matches your travel personality . Consider the results of the travel questionnaire you completed on page 6 . 3 . Collect general information about the chosen country , including maps and pictures . 4 . Write a "Know Before You Go" page for a guidebook on your destination country . Use the example on page 15 as a model and the items in the checklist to help you . 5 . Show the page to a partner who has chosen the same destination country . Make corrections and improvements based on your partner ' s feedback . 6 . Make final corrections using a dictionary or spell-checker . 7 . Submit the first and final drafts to your teacher , who will assess your work using the rubric on © O 97 . The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task . ? My page includes general facts about the destination country and lists best times to visit and recommended towns and / or sights to see . ? I organized the information on my page according to clear and logical headings and sub-headings . ? I wrote according to the text type of a guidebook . ? I included relevant maps and / or pictures on my page . ? I revised my work after review by a partner . ? I checked my spelling and grammar .