صفحة: 5
Eurystheus then remembered the stables of King Augeus . King Augeus , _ was very rich , owned more cattle than any other man in Greece . He kept the cattle in the Augean stables , had not been cleaned for about 10 years and were extremely dirty . Eurystheus ordered Hercules to clean the stables in one day . This was the kind of job _ would normally take thousands of men to complete ! Eurystheus thoug ht he had finall y come up with a task even Hercules would not be able to do . 7 Hercules , intelligence was as great as his strength , understood 8 that this was a task needed a different kind of thinking . He knocked a big hole in the wall on one side of the stables , and a bigger hole on the other side . Then he dug wide paths towards two rivers and turned the waters of the rivers so that they ran down the paths he had dug . The rivers , were strong and mighty , flowed 10 into the hole on one side of the stables , and out through the other . The water carried away all the dirt had built up over the years , and so cleaned the stables . 11 Hercules , had come up with a creative idea , completed his fifth task . 12 2 . Complete the following sentences based on the above passage . a . The fifth Labor involved a task that b . Eurystheus was the king who c . King Augeus kept his cattle in stables that d . To perform the fifth Labor , Hercules had a creative idea , which
