صفحة: 28
The Heart of the Matter 1 Did you know that the strongest muscle in the human body is the heart ? Just like the other muscles in our body , the heart likes a good workout . It likes exercise ! The rule is simple : "If you don't use it , you lose it . " This expression means that if you don't exercise , the muscles in your body become weak . The same is true for your heart . The word "aerobic" means " using air or oxygen , " so aerobic exercise is any type of exercise that makes your muscles use oxygen . Running , walking , swimming and riding a bicycle are examples of aerobic exercise . They increase blood circulation , which brings fresh oxygen into the muscles of the body . This helps to make the heart stronger and sometimes larger . Aerobic exercise should be done two or three times a week , for 20 to 30 minutes atatime . Heart Rate Chart Age 13-19 years 20-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years 51-60 years Over 60 years Target Heart Rate Zone 103-151 beats per min 98-146 beats per min 93-138 beats per min 88-131 beats per min 83-123 beats per min 78-116 beats per min 3 To benefit from aerobic activity , you should raise your heart rate to your target zone . Your target heart rate zone is how fast your heart beats when you are exercising . To find your target zone , look at the Heart Rate Chart and find your age . For example , if you are 20 years old , your target heart rate zone is 98-146 heartbeats per minute . Now you are ready to have a go . Remember — put your heart into it !