صفحة: 27
PutYour Heart into It 1 The Heartof the Matter is the name of a medical brochure . What do you think the brochure is about ? 2 The headings below come from this brochure . Read the first sentence of each paragraph in the brochure and find the headings for each . Answer in your notebook . Headings Why Aerobic ? Target Heart Rate Zone Just a Muscle First sentences Paragraph I Did you know that the strongest muscle in the human body is the heart ? Paragraph 2 The word "aerobic" means "using air or oxygen , " so aerobic exercise is any type of exercise that makes your muscles use oxygen . Paragraph 3 To benefit from aerobic activity , you should raise your heart rate to your target zone . i Look at the list below . What information do you think you will find in this brochure ? Explain your answers . ? The historyof aerobic exercise ? An explanation of the heart as a muscle ? The reasons why aerobic exercise is helpful ? The cost of an aerobic exercise program ? An explanation of what a heart rate zone is ? How to do aerobic exercise ? The benefits of aerobic exercise 4 Read the brochure and check your answers to activity 3 .