صفحة: 24
Look at the questions in the boxes [ a ] - [ e ] and use the color scheme to help you find the answer to each question . Point to the answers in the text . A . Which sport ? "Well , there are lots of sports to choose from . I guess it depends on where you live , your lifestyle and what you like to do . Aerobic exercise , such as jogging , swimming or even walking quickly , increases your breathing and heart rate . There are also strength training sports , such as weight lifting , sit-ups and push-ups . These activities make your muscles stronger . You should do strength training at least twice a week . But be careful . The saying "No pain , no gain" is not true . You should begin slowly because too much exercise can damage your muscles . Most important — yo rt . If you don't like the sport , you won't do it . " Source : A coach How does aerobic exercise help my body ? What are the best strength training exercises ? How often should I do strength training ? Why should I begin slowly ? What is most important ? 4 Look at the boxes ( f ] - ( m ) around each of the following texts . In your notebook , complete the questions according to the information in the texts and answer each of the questions . B . The Exercise Web FAQs Q : When isthe best time of dayto exercise : morning or night ? A : Morning exercise helps you wake up . It makes your metabolism work faster . Your metabolism is the system in your body that changes food into all the elements you need , such as vitamins and proteins . Metabolism increases both during and after exercise . Your metabolism works at a higher level all day , so you burn extra calories even when you are not exercising . So we recommend that you start the day with a good workout . Remember that an athlete has to eat a hearty breakfast to stay fit and healthy ! Source : FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions ) Web Page Why morning exercise good for me ? How Example : f . Why is morning exercise good f or me ? Morning exercise is good f or you because it help s you wake up . It makes your metaboiism work f aster .