صفحة: 20
Shape Up ! Answer in your notebook . 1 Read the ad below . What is the ad selling ? Ready to get into shape ? Fltll ©§§ " 4-U gets those out of shape into shape ! Want to stay in shape ? Fltll ©§§ " 4-U gets those in shape into even better shape ! Customized fitness programs for everyone ! Are you ... ? young or old ? ? thin or overweight ? ? weak or strong ? ? healthy or frail ? We help you decide ... ? indoors or outdoors . ? aerobic or strength building . ? morning , noon or night . ? on your own or with a friend . We think about YOU ! Send us an email about yourself and we will help you design a fitness program that suits your lifestyle . Email : f 1 tness 4 U @ jump . com '> Look back at the ad and make a list of : ? slogans selling the product or service ; ? sentences or phrases giving information about the product or service . ?> Explain in your own words what the ad is selling . in general , the ad is selling .. . . The sentences in green tell about . .. . A . Look at the ad and make a list of the kind of information Fitness-4-U needs in order to help people design their fitness program . Use the points below . ? age ? general health ? favorite sports team ? reason for wanting a fitness program ? lifestyle ? how much you know about fitness ? type of exercise The purpose of an ad is to sell something . This can be a product or a service . Part of the ad uses slogans to sell something and part of the ad gives information about the product or service ,