صفحة: 19
4 The sentences in the box below are from the magazine article . With a partner , decide which slogan from page 18 goes with each of the sentences . Exercise improves blood circulation *; so more oxygen * gets to your brain . Exercise helps you look and feel younger , and maybe even live longer . Exercise releases feel-good chemicals in the brain — called endorphins , so when you exercise you feel better . Strength training builds stronger muscles , so you won't have any more aches and pains ! Aerobic activities make your heart stronger . Work out for about 30 minutes in the late afternoon and you will get a good night's sleep . Use different stretching exercises for better flexibility — make your muscles move easily . Running , walking , swimming or jumping are a few ways to prevent cancer , arthritis and other diseases . 5 According to the slogans , what are the reasons for exercising ? In your notebook , complete the paragraph below using the relevant sentences to summarize the reasons . Add two reasons of your own . ? Exercise keeps your body healthy . ? Exercise helps you feel good . ? Exercise helps you lose weight . ? Exercise builds a stronger body . Begin your summary with the following sentence : There are many reasons for exercising , First , .... * » Which reason is most important to you ? Explain . 7 Choose one slogan that you like and decide what its main purpose is . 8 Write another slogan and a sentence that could be added to the magazine article , "Getting into Shape : Why Exercise ?" * blood circulation — the movement of blood around the body to and from the heart . * oxygen — the gas in the air that is necessary for all living things . The purpose of slogans is : ? to capture the reader ' s attention ; ? to entertain ; ? to communicate what the text is about .