صفحة: 13
% Each of the three stories has a climax ( its most exciting point ) . Which sentence shows the climax in : ? Story A ? ? Story B ? ? Story C ? Example : In Story A , the climax . of the etory is : "But somehow I reached the f inish line and then I collapsed . " ! Each of the stories can be grouped under one or more of the categories shown on page 7 . How would you categorize : ? Story A ? ? Story B ? ? Story C ? Support each answer with sentences from the stories . Example : Story A probably best f its "Against Oneself . " This is supp orted by sentences such as : " 1 wanted to prove that I could qo the distance . " "'/ can do it , ' I said to myself , 7 can do it . "' "I know that I have done it . I have gone the distance . " 4 Think of a story you have read or heard . ( It does not have to be about sport . ) 0 Answer the five questions from the star diagram . & Organize your answers in a paragraph . You will then have a summaryof the story .