صفحة: 11
Story B 1 / 9 / 00 I joined the soccer team a couple ofweeks ago , and my teammates said that the team was notfor people like me . "Go back to the library and to your schoolbooks , " one of them said at the first practice . "You don ' t know how to kick a ball . " I could feel that my teammates didn't think much of me . They didn ' t pass me the ball and they tried to make me look bad in front ofthe coach . Well , yesterday , I kicked the winning goal for the team . We were tied 2-2 with one minute left to go when our right fielder made a corner kick . I trapped the ball and then kicked it into the net . All the guys cheered , rushed toward me and slapped my back . I was really proud ofmyselfand , for the first time , I felt a part ofthe team . After the game , the captain ofthe team turned to me and said , "Hey Jack . Where did you learn to kick like that ? You ' re something special . " He was particularly happy because we had won the game against a bigger and stronger team . I'm going to work extra hard in practice this week . I want to be ready for the playoffs . This time my teammates are going to pass me the ball , Story C 22 / 7 / 0 1 Today is the third day of our hike . Alaska is amazing . I can ' t believe that we're actually hiking on the Chilkoot Pass . It's the same trail * that the gold miners used to take in search of gold in the 1 800 s . It was called the "meanest * thirty-two miles" in the country . But that was when the miners traveled in the winter with their dog sleds and equipment . We are traveling light . I have everything I need in my backpack : food , a pot , water , bug spray , a camera , a map , a compass , matches and a change of clothes . I have only one change of clothes for the whole week ! Yesterday , as we crossed a small river , I missed one ofthe rocks and fell into the water . Luckily , we reached the campsite an hour later and I put my wet clothes near the fire to dry . The best part of our hike today was the climb to the top of Mount Teton . We climbed over rocks and boulders . I was dead tired by the time we reached the summit . But all the hard work was worth it . The view was incredible * . I wouldn't have missed it for anything . * trail — path . usually through rough country . * meanest — refers here to a difficult hike . The word " mean" is usually used to refer to a nasty person . * incredible — unbelievable .