صفحة: 19
The Encyclopedia of Games The Connection to Society : Europe Chess reached Europe during the Middle Ages , probably between 900 C . E . and 1000 C . E . It soon became very popular among the royalty . However , the names and shapes of the pieces were changed to represent * the main social groups that existed during the Middle Ages . The game shows the social hierarchyof the time . Chess , or "the royal game , " is actually a picture of life during the Middle Ages . 4 On the chessboard , the pawns represent the serfs , the poor farmers . In the game , players can lose a pawn in order to save a piece that is more valuable . This reflects * the social position of serfs —at the lowest level of society . The castle ( or rook ) , represents the home of the king and those people who serve him . Knights and bishops had a higher social position than serfs and this is also seen in the game . The knight also represents the soldiers who protected the noblemen , the king and the queen . In chess , they protect the more powerful pieces ( the king , queen and bishops ) . During the Middle Ages , the bishop and other Church officials were important and powerful people in society . In the game , the bishop represents the Church . The king and queen held the highest social positions during the Middle Ages . In the game of chess , the king is the most important and most protected piece , just as the king was in real life . When a king surrendered * his castle , he lost his kingdom . Therefore , it was to everyone ' s advantage , from the lowest serf to the highest official , to keep the king safe . In chess , when a player's king is trapped and cannot move , the player loses the game . Chess , the board and its pieces are a partof history . The pieces and how they move show the history of those times in miniature * . Chess , like many other games , reflects a real-life situation at a certain point in time . * represent — serve as a symbol of something ; symbolize . * reflects — shows . * surrendered — gave up to a stronger or more powerful side , especially during a war . * in miniature —as an example on a small scale . C 11 ess