صفحة: 14
Section Task : Touchdown ! Preparing a flyer about a planetarium tour 1 . Before you begin , decide on the following points : ? the topic of the planetarium tour ( for example , a specific planet , constellation or comet ) ? the purpose of the planetarium tour and who it is for ? definitions . explanations and interesting details about the focus of your tour ? people who made important contributions to research on the topic of your tour 2 . You may use information from this section of the booklet or collect additional information from other sources ( encyclopedias , books or the Internet ) . 3 . Prepare your flyer using the flyer on page 5 as a model . You may add pictures to your flyer . 4 . Read over what you have written and make corrections if necessary , using a dictionary or spell-checker . 5 . Ask a partner to go over your flyer and give feedback . Make corrections if necessary . 6 . Submit your flyer to your teacher for assessment on the basis of the assessment criteria in The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task . ? The topic of the planetarium tour is clear from the description . ? The purpose of the planetarium tour is clear from the description . ? The information in the flyer is accurate . ? The information in the flyer is well organized . ? The flyer follows the appropriate format . ? Attention was paid to grammar and spelling .