صفحة: 8
In ancient times , people created myths to explain the mysteries of the sky . Myths are stories that try to explain the natural world . They often include supernatural elements , such as gods and magic . In ancient times , myths were not written down , but told by a storyteller . Myths about the Sun , Moon and stars are found in most cultures around the world . The following myth comes from the Zuni , a Native American tribe in New Mexico . Read and listen to the myth to find out how the Zuni explain mysteries of the skies and the seasons . Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky A long time ago , there was no day and it was always summer . The world was still dark and warm because the Sun and the Moon had not yet been put in the sky . This was because the Kachina , a very powerful people , kept the Sun and the Moon locked away in two boxes , opening them only when they wanted light . Coyote and Eagle were friends who spent their time wandering the desert together . One day , Coyote said to Eagle , "Friend , I can't hunt because I can't see anything in the dark . Do you know where to get some light ? " Eagle nodded his head and said , "Yes , I do . We can steal the Sun and the Moon from the Kachina . " Eagle , however , warned Coyote that the Sun and the Moon were very strong and powerful . So Coyote and Eagle traveled to the village where the Kachina lived . That night , while the Kachina were dancing , Coyote and Eagle found two boxes . They peeked * into the large box and saw a big light — the Sun . Then they peeked into the small box and saw a small light — the Moon . Later that night , while the Kachina were sleeping , Coyote and Eagle stole the boxes with the Sun and the Moon and ran away . Coyote was so curious that he wanted to open the boxes right away but Eagle said , "No , we must wait until we are safe at home . Then we must open them carefully . " But Coyote didn't listen to Eagle and opened the boxes . As soon as he opened them , the Sun and the Moon jumped out and flew up into the sky , taking the heat of the Earth with them . And this is how the Sun and the Moon found their place in the sky and why there is winter on Earth . * peek — look at something quickl y ; often secretly .