صفحة: 23
Answer on ^ 66-67 . ^ First Listening 1 Listen to the Native American Legend "Bear ' s Race With Turtle" and check your answers to activity 2 on page 22 . 2 Put the events in order and get a summary of the legend . "ft The animals in the forest decide that Bear and Turtle should have a race . * Bear thinks the race will be easy . '?» Bear thinks he is the biggest , strongest and fastest animal . II Bear goes home and sleeps for the rest of the winter . *• Turtle tells Bear , "I am faster than you are . " " 9 k Turtle wins the race . % Second Listening Listen to the legend again and mark what the other animals do . * They hear Bear and Turtle arguing and shouting so they come to see what is happening . ' * They can't agree who is faster — Bear or Turtle . ' * They choose Fox to be the judge of the race . ft They want Bear to win the race . "ft They cheer when Turtle wins the race . Alter Listening 1 What are the animals saying or thinking in the pictures on page 22 ? 2 What is the message of the story ? Complete the sentence . The Native Americans have many legends that exp lain things about nature . This legend exp lains why . .. . 3 Which character in the legend do you like better — Bear or Turtle ? Discuss . 4 Why are the other animals in the legend important ? What role do they play ? Discuss . 5 What other legends do you know ? Tell a legend you know . Additional activities on kif wumiiiMWif in ^ 68-69 .