صفحة: 10

10 My Way, Teacher's Guide Suggested activities : Give students a word and ask them to repeat it . Then give students directions to . 1 replace or omit a sound and tell you the new word . For example : Omission : Teacher : Say "cat" . Students : "cat . " Teacher : Now say it without / c / . Students : "at . " Replacement : Teacher : Say "cat . " Students : "cat . " Teacher : Now change / c / to / b / . What is it ? Students : "bat . " Give students individual sounds or syllables and ask them to blend them into a single . 2 word . For example : Blending syllables : Teacher : Say "tay . " Students : "tay . " Teacher : Say "ble . ” Student : "ble . " Teacher : Put it together . Students : "table . " Blending sounds : Teacher : Put these together : / c / / a / / t / . Students : "cat . " Give students a word and ask them to break it into single sounds, then repeat the . 3 entire word . For example : Teacher : Break apart "cat . " Students : / c / / a / / t / → cat . Syllables Syllables are the sounds that make up words when we speak . They help us figure out how to say words correctly and can help EFL teachers assist students to understand language more deeply . We can divide syllables into open and closed syllables . This gives us information about pronunciation, reading, and writing . Closed Syllables : These syllables end with a consonant, which “stops” the vowel sound, like "bat," "cat," "pen . " The reading in My Way focuses mostly on what is referred to as CVC ( consonant - vowel - consonant ) words where the vowel is a short sound . These are single - syllable,

מטח : המרכז לטכנולוגיה חינוכית

 لمشاهدة موقع كوتار بأفضل صورة وباستمرار