صفحة: 9
9 My Way, Teacher's Guide reading, and writing, as well as suggested extension activities for the teacher, presented throughout this guide . By presenting vocabulary in an authentic context of a comic, dialogue, or interaction, students have access to meaningful language, and they are quicker to acquire these words and phrases . Additionally, the vast opportunities to speak, from the very beginning of the program, help to bolster student confidence, thereby increasing motivation to learn and gain an even wider range of vocabulary . Phonological awareness → phonics Phonics is the next step in our brain connection, enabling us to move from spoken language and phonological awareness to written language . This is when we help students identify the relationship between sounds of the language they mastered in the aural - oral stage and the written letters or groups of letters, thus transitioning to reading ( decoding ) and writing encoding ) . ( Onset and rime Helping students understand syllables by breaking apart the onset and rime helps them build phonological awareness . Once a student can distinguish the initial consonant sound, blend, or digraph ( the onset ) in a single - syllable word from the following vowels and sounds, they can begin to distinguish letter sounds from one another . In My Way, onset focus becomes important when students start reading by looking at word families in Units 3, 4 and 5 . This is an important building block for phonics and reading and can be practiced through activities when learning new vocabulary . Suggested activities : Say a single - syllable word and have students call out the initial sound . . 1 For example : Teacher says : "pen", students say : / p / . Say a single - syllable word and have students raise their right hand and call out the . 2 initial sound . Have students raise their left hand and say the remainder of the word . Then have students clap and say the word in one fluent syllable . For example : p ( left hand ) →en ( right hand ) → pen ( clap ) . Manipulation and segmentation This term refers to having students single out and substitute single sounds ( phonemes ) as a way to understand sounds and words . It helps students hear and work with sounds . These activities involve blending individual sounds, replacing sounds, omitting sounds, and segmenting words into sounds .
