صفحة: 8
8 My Way, Teacher's Guide identify the sounds that make up the words of the English language orally to then be able to apply these same sounds to reading when the time comes . Language learning starts with learning vocabulary and spoken language . Students hear words and repeat them . Repeating words and phrases as a class ( chorally ) is an important part of students hearing and making sounds . This is preparatory for independent production, as well as reading . ( Note that this choral repetition also happens during reading lessons . ) Use of L1 in EFL classroom In EFL classrooms with young learners whose L1 is Arabic or Hebrew, tasks specifically targeting novel phonemes ( sounds found in English, but not in their L1 ) are crucial for developing accurate pronunciation . While L1 comparisons can be beneficial for certain aspects of language learning, directly addressing these novel sounds is essential . By engaging in activities like minimal pair discrimination and production, sound isolation, and manipulation, young learners can build the foundation for producing sounds like / th / and / v / absent in their L1 . However, it is important to acknowledge the potential benefits of L1 . Highlighting sounds existing in both languages can serve as a reference point for acquiring novel phonemes . Ultimately, creating a balance between tasks focused on novel sounds and strategic use of L1 comparisons fosters a stimulating and effective learning environment for young Arabic and Hebrew speakers as they embark on their English language journey . In the classroom, teachers can help students meet this need by highlighting when a sound is unique to English and absent in their L1 . Vocabulary Teaching vocabulary is an important part of language learning as it creates the building blocks for language acquisition . Students gain a wide range of vocabulary throughout the beginning of the program, allowing them to use that knowledge to help them begin to read . Learning to produce new sounds and words, while also matching the words to a visual representation, are important steps for students to create meaningful language . Each time students encounter the new word, across the digital and print platforms, it reinforces their learning and deepens their mastery of this word . The Pre - Band I language is reiterated throughout the book, ensuring multiple encounters through a variety of modalities : digital flashcards, songs, chants, comics, interactive conversations, choral and individual repetition,
