صفحة: 5
5 My Way, Teacher's Guide Confidence through early success By beginning with early receptive and productive activities in Unit 1, students feel an immediate sense of language mastery and usage . From the very first lessons in the book, students are asked to produce language, giving them ownership over their learning . The independent practice exercises in the Student Book, as well as on the Individual Digital Platform, are success - oriented, allowing for constructive feedback for improvement . Spoken language English language learning for non - native speakers must be founded on the use of verbal skills to allow for communication . The communicative language strategies and competencies in My Way mirror those outlined in the “Can - Do” statements of the Ministry of Education’s 2020 Curriculum . ( See charts at the start of each Unit in the Teacher's Guide for a more specific breakdown . ) The My Way program begins with receptive and productive language to allow students to become comfortable with the language . From the very first Unit, students are challenged to engage in interactive activities, creating dialogue in English . Students use and reuse vocabulary and language structures throughout the book to create enough repetition for them to truly master the words, as described by Sweet ( 1906, as cited by the Ministry of Education’s English Curriculum ) . My Way uses the Pre - A1 Pre - Band Lexical Band as the foundation for creating vocabulary instruction, while also adding in other elements . The full list of words and their repetitions can be found on page 333, in Appendix B . Many of the activities encourage students to use language structures and new vocabulary to interact with one another, employing basic sentences and formulated answers . Additionally, there are “walkabout” activities which have students ask multiple students the same question, listen, and record their answers . These interaction and mediation activities allow for authentic language practice . Classroom language Speak to students in English as much as possible, even using hand gestures and charades to show meaning . Students learn and master language by repeatedly hearing the same phrases in context and can learn language incidentally through repetitive use in a language - rich environment . Encourage students to repeat and use the phrases as much as possible . Following is a recommended list of phrases to incorporate in classroom routines : Please note : When a phrase is specifically introduced in a lesson, or helpful for a specific lesson, it is listed at the beginning of that lesson .
