صفحة: ב

Head of Languages and Humanities Department : Dr . Miri Bar - Ziv Levy Head of English Pedagogy : Debbie Perr y Content Developers and Writers : Ilille Barzilay, Dr . Naomi Lev, Inbar Nadir, Mor Luft - Dayan, Dr . Adam Asad, Karin Bruhim Teacher’s guide Development Team : Debbie Perr y, Dr . Miri Yochanna, Dr . Adam Asad, Dr . Naomi Lev, Ilille Barzilay Academic Consultant and Pedagogical Editor : Dr . Miri Yochanna English Editor : Emily Cooper Hebrew, Equality and Diversity Editor : Gilia Bar Levi Arabic Translator, Cultural Consultant, and Language Editor : Salih Ali Sawaed Head of Creative Team : Rakefet Aviv, Nirit Alshech UX Design : Ruthy Betinger Graphic Designer : Michal Achisar Lead Illusrator : Nir golan Illustrators : Daniel Lichter, Aviel Basil, Liran Raviv, Idit Fridman, Shutterstock . com Animator and 3 D Designer : Yaniv Ben - Dor Head of Learning Designers Department : Moran Yosef Learning Designers Team : Shiran Yaish, Shachar Rosen, Noam Meir Head of Multimedia Department : Shai Katzav Producers : Sandy Raischer, Shemi Mendel Director and Script Writer : Omri Goldman Video and Sound Editors : Zohar Rom, Ran Kantorovitz, and Ohad Stemati Product Manager : Nir Ben Yehouda Project Manager : Danielle Offer Head of Publishing Department : Danielle Eshel Copyist coordinators : Noa Netanel, Yael Lagstein, Yulia Gutman Print Coordinator : Sigal Tevet Acknowledgements : Noa Shealtielli, Tal Miller, Dr . Efrat Baranetz, Merav Steinberger - Arnold - Thank you for all your help creating MyWay . The intellectual property rights, including copyright and the moral rights of the creators of this book, are protected . No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, summarized, photographed, recorded, translated, stored in a database, broadcasted, or received by any means or in any electronic, optical, mechanical, or other manner, nor may any commercial use be made of this book, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the Center for Educational Technology ( CET ) . All rights reserved to CET – The Center for Educational Technology, a non - profit organization, Moshe Rowe Campus, 16 2024 © Klausner Street, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 6901128 .

מטח : המרכז לטכנולוגיה חינוכית

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