صفحة: 12
The following table presents the various particles that make up the atom and their various properties : Questions 1 . Copy the following paragraph into your notebook and fill in the missing words . The data in the table can help you in filling the blanks . Protons have _________ electrical charge , electrons have _________ electrical charge and neutrons have _________ electrical charge . The proton mass is _________ the neutron mass , and the electron mass is much _________ . 2 . According to the data in the table , what determines most of the atomic mass ? A . The number of electrons only B . The number of protons and neutrons C . Only the number of neutrons D . Only the number of protons 3 . Following is a flow chart describing the structure of the atom . Copy it into your notebooks , and fill in the blanks . Relative sizes of the nucleus and the atom The diameter of the nucleus is very small compared with the overall size of the atom ; the diameter of the nucleus is about 10 -15 meters , whereas the diameter of the atom is one hundred thousand times bigger – it is about 10 -10 meters . We could understand this if we imagine an ant standing on the grass in the middle of a large sports stadium . The size of the nucleus relative to the size of the atom is equivalent to the size of the ant relative to the size of the entire stadium .