62 My Way, Teacher's Guide Vocabulary Review Prepositions : on Nouns : desk, chair, bag, bird Colors : green, orange, black, brown, yellow, blue, red New Vocabulary in table cat tree under ball outside gray New Language Structures The ( noun ) is ( preposition ) the ( noun ) . Where is the… ? Whole - Class Instruction : Digital Preview : Digital Flashcards Present the new vocabulary using digital flashcards . ● Have students repeat each word chorally . ● Point to the picture and ask, “What is it ? ” ● Call on individual students to answer . ○ Repeat the flashcards two or three times . ● For more information on using the digital flashcards, see TG, Digital Flashcards, page 20 . Learn : Instructional Comics Before playing the comics, ask students what they see on the screen and have them ● name as many colors and objects as possible . Play the comics . ● Have students raise their hands when they hear a new vocabulary word . ● Play the comics a second time . ● Stop and ask students questi...
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