صفحة: 53
Jeremie , France : Hi David . Welcome to our forum ! What a story ... I can imagine something like that happening in my class too . Jonathan , United States : I don’t think it could happen in the United States . David , England : So what should I do ? Jeremie , France : Don’t react ! Jonathan , United States : React ! Your Assignment Prepare a five minute skit presenting David’s dilemma . Include advisors who you think David should consult ( parents , Jewish friends , classmates , forum participants , etc . ) . Present at least two arguments in support of each side . Conclude your presentation with the best possible solution . Suggestions Depict the moment that David is confronted with the dilemma : the distribution of the exam in class and David’s shock when he sees the sentences criticizing Israel . Present the various possible scenarios that David imagined : the teacher’s reaction , the other students’ reactions , etc . Try to include all students in the group . Additional Assignment : Write a response to David .