صفحة: 38

Link to Language : Time in Movie Reviews Movie reviews are written in the Present Simple . They try to get the readers involved and put them in the middle of the action . 1 The sentences below are from the movie reviews on page 36 . Read the sentences and find another example of the Present Simple in each review . ? He adores Sandra , but Lisa is wild about him . ? Survival becomes uncertain for them when the mayor decides . ? The car knows all your personal habits . ? Her parents , friends and teachers don't believe her ... 2 Complete the movie review using the Present Simple . Answer on A ^/ JJ / J ^/ Jf 'WJ /^ J 24 . International teenage star , Justin Timms , gives one of his best performances in the new movie , Turning Around . Timms _ _ ( play ) Ray Jones , a young musician who knows that he ( need ) a change in his life . One day Ray ( notice ) an old friend , Gloria , walk into the store where he works . She tells Ray about a high school that needs a music teacher . Gloria ( think ) that Ray should apply forthe job . The principal at the school ( not be ) enthusiastic , but Ray convinces the principal to give him a chance . The rest of the movie ( focus ) on Ray's efforts to be accepted by the principal , the teachers and the students . Ray ( not give up ) , and in the end , he ( manage ) to win over the whole school . This delightful movie _ _ ( be ) full of laughs , but never _ _ ( seem ) silly . This is a film that will leave a smile on your face . i . ^ 3 Read the review again and discuss the following questions . ? What is the problem / surprise ? ? What is the reviewer ' s opinion ?

מטח : המרכז לטכנולוגיה חינוכית

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