صفحة: 26
Section Task : Carry Out Writing an opinion article ( for a newspaper or magazine ) Choose a current sitcom or TV serial that focuses on the family and write an opinion article of about 150 words . 1 . Consider whether this TV family is typical / not typical of families you know . 2 . Interview three people and include their opinions in the article . 3 . Look at the way people ' s opinions are presented in the article "Stay-at-Home Dads . " Express the different opinions in your article . Integrate these with your own opinion . Use direct and reported speech . 4 . Pay attention to features of the article "Stay-at-Home Dads" that help to attract the reader ' s attention , such as the title and the opening and closing sentences . 5 . Read over your draft and compare it with the article "Stay-at-Home Dads . " Revise where necessary . 6 . Check your grammar and spelling . If possible , use a spell-checker . Make your final corrections . 7 . Submit the article to the teacher , who will assess your work using the rubric on Student Assessment Page 149 . The following checklist shows the criteria for the completed task . Depth and Length ? The article deals with the topic with the necessary depth and is the required length . Presentation of Opinions ? My opinion is clearly presented and supported by the opinions of the people interviewed . Text Type Features ? The article is written according to the appropriate text type for an opinion article and includes a catchy title and opening sentence . Direct and Reported Speech ? I used direct and reported speech correctly to put across the opinions of the people interviewed . Language ? I checked my grammar and spelling and corrected my work .