صفحة: 21
Link to Language : Opinion Articles "Stay-at-Home Dads" is an opinion article . The writer presents his opinion in two ways : ? by expressing his own beliefs ; ? by directly quoting other people who share his beliefs . 1 Read the following excerpts from the article and discuss the opinion expressed in each . & ... I find the fantasy —to quit work and stay home to raise my four children — more attractive than what it would take to do it . ( paragraph 1 ) & "Twenty years ago it was almost freakish . .. Now it's considered unusual . So at least we're making some progress . " ( paragraph 6 ) < Q ) " ... I was not marking the days of my life with really important things . With the kids , I don ' t have that feeling . " ( paragraph 9 ) 2 Who expressed each opinion ? When a writer presents opinions that are not his or her own , he or she can do so by using direct speech 0 ז reported speech . The use of direct speech shows the exact words of the speaker or writer and appears in quotation marks . It often has a stronger effect on the listener 0 ז reader . It can be an effective way to present ideas that support the opinions of the author . 3 Read the following quotes and explain each one . What opinion r is the writer trying J & to put Z across * ? Answer A in your J notebook .. . . Example : "I feel funny buying my wife $ 40 worth of roses with her money . " Men 5 ti \\ feel etranqe about not earning the money in the houee . a "Some guys are envious . .. They say , 'If I could stay home , I would do it in a minute . '" & "I remember a hit I got during a high school baseball game . When I got to second base , I couldn ' t get the smile off my face . I felt that way when I left work . " c "When I walked around the block with the stroller , I would only see moms . Pretty soon you ' re talking about blankets and sippy cups . " My housekeeping bud ,, get ' . just . too . small „ But cheap flowers are better than none