صفحة: 38
Section Task : Punchline Preparing a slide about laughter The purpose of this task is to read an article on an aspect of laughter and prepare a slide for an oral presentation to a partner . The task is done in pairs , each student reading a different article : Article 1 ( about learning through laughter ) or Article 2 ( about laughter and creativity ) . These are found on ^ ^ 83-84 . 1 . Choose one of the articles and read it . 2 . List the main points of the article and the details and examples used by the writer to support these points . 3 . Choose one or two main points to present on your slide . 4 . Create a title for your slide that reflects the main point ( s ) to be shown on the slide . 5 . Choose the information you will use to support the main point ( s ) , e . g . suitable details and / or examples . 6 . Write the text for your slide : main point ( s ) , supported by details and / or examples . Pay attention to the presentation style , using either short points or full sentences . 7 . Emphasize important or main information by using a larger letter size or by its place on the slide . 8 . Submit your slide to the teacher for assessment . Your work will be assessed using the rubric on 4 t'Hr 1 m 9 AimV , m 1 M ± 85 . 9 . If necessary , make corrections based on your teacher ' s feedback . 10 . Use your slide to give a short oral presentation ( 1-2 minutes ) to a partner who read the second article . The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task . I organized the information in the article according to main points and details / examples . My slide has a suitable title . My slide presents one or two main points from the article . 1 included details or examples to support the main point ( s ) . I used a suitable presentation style to get my points across . I used suitable graphic techni ques to emphasize important or main information . I corrected the slide after getting feedback from the teacher . I used the slide to give a short oral presentation to a partner .