صفحة: 26
Section Task : Punchline Preparing a comic strip 1 . In a group of three , plan and write a general panel description for a comic strip . The comic strip should have three panels . Include the following : ? two or three characters ? the setting ? the problem facing the main character ( s ) ? the personality trait that makes it difficult for the character to deal with the problem ? how the character deals with the problem . ? a name for the comic strip 2 . Write a more detailed panel description for one panel of your comic . Your partners should each write a panel description for another panel . Use the Present Progressive , adjectives and adverbs . 3 . Submit the panel descriptions to your teacher for assessment . Your work will be assessed using the rubric on 81 . ^ ^ 4 . If necessary , make corrections to the panel descriptions based on your teacher ' s feedback . 5 . Draw the comic strip so that the three panels tell a story . The character ( s ) should appear in the comic strip . 6 . Include a suitable caption and / or speech or thought bubbles . 7 . Submit the comic strip to another group for assessment ff & . The other group will assess your work using the rubric on ^ 81 . The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task . The comic strip is made up of three panels that tell a story . The comic strip is based on the three panel descriptions . The comic strip shows the main character and one or two other characters . The comic strip shows the character ' s problem and how he or she deals with it . The comic strip has a name and a caption and / or speech or thought bubbles .