صفحة: 10
okes Around the Wor According to the article on page 8 , Wiseman believes that we can learn a lot about a country by looking at its jokes . 1 Read the following descriptions of what people joke about in countries around the world . Then decide where each of the jokes below conies from . Kenya Many Kenyans believe that past governments in Kenya have been dishonest , so the topic of corruption * is a subject of jokes . Russia The majority of young couples in Russia live with either the wife's or the husband's parents when they first get married . That is why jokes about mothers-in-law are very popular in Russia . The United States In the US , most medical care is private . This means that many people who cannot afford to pay health insurance do not receive proper medical care . Americans joke about this unfair system . Joke 1 : The boss of a health care firm died and found himself in heaven . He was pleased . He was not expecting to end up in heaven , because he had spent his life throwing sick people out of hospital . "Welcome to paradise , " said the angel , "but I ' m afraid you 000 \ only stay for two days . " Joke 2 : An old man was sitting by the side of the road . Suddenly the president ' s new shiny Rolls Royce car drove past . Shortly afterwards , a poor man ran by . He was holding a goat , which he had obviously stolen . A minute later , two policemen came rushing up after him . "Did you see a thief come this way ? " they asked . "Yes , " replied the old man , "But he was in a car , so you'll never catch him on foot . " Joke 3 : Question : How many mothers-in-law does it take to change a light bulb ? Answer '? One . She just holds it up there and waits for the world to revolve around * her . 2 What topics are joked about in your country ? * corruption — dishonesty . * revolve around — turn around ; center around or focus on .