صفحة: 41
Booklet Pages 16-17 : Visual Memory Experiment Taking Part in the Experiment Step 2 Check off [•] all the objects that you remember . If you are not completely certain about an item , mark it with both a check mark and a question mark [• ?] . Do not look at your booklet at this point in the experiment . Checking your answers : Your teacher will read out the names of items that were pictured . In a different color pen , circle the box of each item you identified correctly . Put an "X" in the box of each item identified incorrectly . Step 3 Give yourself 1 point for each of the objects that you identified correctly . _ List the names of the items you put a question mark [?] next to , if there were any . Add up your score and rate your memory skills by using the "Memory Experiment Key" on page 17 of the booklet . Score Rating