صفحة: 9
Additional Material : The Changing Family 3 . Find two examples of statistical evidence supporting the claim that the family structure is changing . 4 . Which statistical information in the article most surprised you ? Explain why . 5 . In what context are Germany and Sweden mentioned in the article ? ( paragraph 6 ) 6 . Read the following summary of the article and fill in the missing words . This article is about how the family in Western culture is changing . Until about three _ ago , the majority of were nuclear families , 1 22 consisting of a mother , father , and children . Today , , the number of these families is shrinking . Instead , there are many different kinds of . units replacing it . Some families consist of children and one _ only . Other families of two adults without children . There are also " step " families in which widowed or divorced parents _ and bring their families 77 together . In contrast , single people who live are also considered to be a family . Our of "family" is really changing . 7 . Some specific problems of aggregate families are mentioned in paragraph 7 of the article . Think of three specific problems of other family structures and list them below .