صفحة: 8
Additional Material : The Changing Family 7 There is a new form of family structure that has developed which Toffler calls the " aggregate family . " Here , two divorced or widowed parents remarry , bringing the children of both marriages into a new expanded stepfamily . The government of the United States estimates that by the year 2007 , stepfamilies will outnumber traditional nuclear families . According to one study , it is believed that nearly 60 percent of the population are " steps " - that is 5 . 5 million American stepfamilies . These stepfamilies have to deal with issues that include religion , family finances , diet and discipline . Although stepfamilies were once thought of as "broken families , " psychologists have found that these families can be successful . 8 Considering the changes that have taken place , the future of the family structure remains unclear . Toffler claims that no single form will dominate the social structure of the family for any long period . Instead , he sees a variety of families . However , this does not mean the end of the traditional nuclear family . It merely means that , from now on , the nuclear family will be only one of the many types of families in our society . Closer Reading 1 . What does Toffler mean when he says that the family structure has been affected by scientific and technological discoveries ? 2 . Look at the following diagram showing different kinds of family structures and write the name of each family structure below each picture .