صفحة: 32
SSection Task : Go ! Designing a fitness program Prepare a Fitness Program Planning Card for yourself or someone you know . The information in this section about getting into shape and staying in shape will help you . You can use the questions on pages 23-25 to plan the kind of program you want . If you do not have the answers to some of the questions . think about where you could find the information . 1 . Decide who the fitness program is for and the purpose of the program . 2 . Write a paragraph telling who the program is for and the puipose of the program . Explain where you are getting the information you need . 3 . Use the Fitness Program Planning Card on page 31 or make your own . 4 . Prepare and complete the Fitness Card . 5 . Use the checklist below to check that your Fitness Card has all the necessary elements . 6 . Show your Fitness Card to a partner and use his / her comments to improve your program . Write a sentence at the bottom of the card explaining how your partner ' s comments helped you . 7 . Use the rubric on the to assess your Fitness Card . ^ ^ The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task . Fitness Card : Content and Presentation ? The Fitness Card includes : a sports motto ; the purpose of the program : a regular exercise program ; a sports exercise program . ? The Fitness Card is clear and well organized . Fitness Program : Content ? The Fitness Program includes : information learned in this section ; facts from other sources . ? There is a paragraph explaining who the program is for and the purpose of the program . Using Feedback from a Partner ? There is an explanation about how the partner ' s comments helped .