من:  > Sports Scene > Keeping Fit

صفحة: 21

Match Lifestyle and Fitness 1 These are emails that two people sent to Fitness-4-U . Read the emails and organize the information about one of them in your notebook using the following headings : Age Reason for fitness program Level of fitness now Lifestyle Other information § In your notebook , complete the following email that was sent to Fitness-4-U , using words and phrases from the box below . My name is Eva Kaye and I am 65 years old . I am generally healthy but I don't exercise and I am 1 . Recently , I started getting all over my body so I visited my doctor . He said that I was a little and that I should go on a diet and exercise . He told me that stretching exercises would my muscles and make them stronger and more _ _ . In addition , he said that these exercises would improve my blood and me from feeling pain . I would really like to _ y _ . Do you have a fitness program that me ? aches and pains circulation develop flexible get into shape out of shape overweight prevent suits

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