صفحة: 48
Project : Steps in Preparing the Music Magazine In groups of four , you will prepare a music magazine . Your completed section tasks should be integrated into the magazine . With your group , decide what elements you would like to include in your music magazine . You must include at least four of the following : ? a quiz about a musical style of your choice ? an article about a musical style ? information about a song of your choice ? a profile on a musician / group of your choice ? an article about a fan who has done something special with his / her admiration for a performer ? a review of a CD ? a review of a concert ? an interview ? an article about a musical instrument ? music advertisements Divide up tasks within your group . Keep a record of the tasks to be done by each person . Improve or expand on the completed section tasks so that they can become part of the music magazine . 1 . Review the completed section tasks done by each person . 2 . Decide how the completed products can be improved or expanded upon . 3 . Find additional information in the library or from the Internet . 4 . Make the required changes by adding new information or expanding on ideas . 5 . Check grammar and spelling and make corrections where necessary . Add elements to enrich each part of the music magazine and to make it seem authentic . Consider adding one or more of the following : ? photographs ? quotes from songs or performers ? your group ' s "Top 10 " list When all the work has been completed , put all the parts together . 1 . With your partners , make sure that all the parts really make a whole ! 2 . Ask other students to look through your music magazine and give you feedback . 3 . Make corrections and improvements based on the feedback from your peers .