صفحة: 46
5 Below are the instructions to make a didgeridoo . Number the steps in the correct order . Attach a mouthpiece made of hardened gum or beeswax . Decorate the instrument with paintings , carvings or patterns burnt into the wood . Find a piece of wood of the correct length that has been hollowed out by termites . Peel offthe bark , Soak the wood in water for several days . Fill in any holes with beeswax . Poke out the termites and their remains with a stick or hot coals . 6 List the words from the article on page 44 under suitable headings . ancient culture original bark family population branches humming today calls noise traditional community oldest wood Thinking About What You Have Read 1 According to paragraph 1 , didgeridoos are almost always played by men . ? Why do you think that might be ? ? Are there any activities in your own culture that are only done by men or only by women ? Give examples . 2 The didgeridoo has come to be the symbol of Aborigine music and art because it is such an important part of their culture . ? Discuss how music is expressed in your culture . ? Are there any instruments that are particularly important to your culture ? Photographs of didgeridoos : www . aboriginalaustralia . com