صفحة: 8
Read the following description , which compares two musical styles . What is the main difference between these styles ? Punk Rock and New Age music are two very different musical styles . Punk Rock came onto the music scene in the 1 970 s with a very loud and aggressive musical style . Groups such as The Clash and the Ramones shouted out angry lyrics , often about politics or issues such as poverty and crime . Punk musicians pounded on electric guitars and drums . Punk fashion was just as shocking — shaved heads , tight leather pants , ripped shirts and piercing . Today , Punk Rock is less popular than it was in the 1 970 s and 1 980 s . In contrast to the anger of Punk Rock , New Age music is relaxing . This kind of music is very popular in the United States , where many people are looking for a way to escape everyday stress . Instruments such as acoustic piano , guitar and synthesizer produce a dreamy , relaxing sound . Popular New Age musicians include Enya and Yanni . Some New Age music is romantic and other forms just make you feel happy . These two musical styles — Punk Rock and New Age music — are certainly worlds apart . ט What words in the text describe Punk Rock ? What words in the text describe New Age music ? Make a table in your notebook listing words describing each style . 3 Have you ever heard Punk Rock or New Age music ? Which do you prefer ? Discuss with a partner . f > What do you know about musical styles ? 3 Choose a musical style that is not described on pages 6-8 . In your notebook , write your own description ( 3 or 4 lines ) . Do not write the name of the style you are describing . Include the following information : the origin of the style , a description of the style , what instruments are played and a famous musician who plays / played this style . S > Exchange the style you described with a partner . Have your partner try to guess the style you described and try to guess the style your partner described . Give clues if necessary , such as the lyrics or name of a song that fits the style .