صفحة: 9

Alter Reading Answer in your notebook . 1 What is Coyote's problem ? 2 How do Coyote and Eagle decide to solve the problem ? 3 Who are the Kachina ? 4 What mistake does Coyote make ? 5 What is the result of Coyote's mistake ? 6 Complete the following sentences . The myth explains how the Sun and the Moon ... . It a \ eo explaine . In myths , animals have human characteristics : they behave and talk like people . This is called personification 7 Below are the human characteristics of Eagle and Coyote according to Zuni mythology . Copy a sentence from the myth that shows each characteristic . Eagle : ? is truthful and wise ? respects nature Coyote : ? thinks mostly about himself ? is curious 8 What truths about the Sun and the Moon does the myth include ?

מטח : המרכז לטכנולוגיה חינוכית

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