صفحة: 29

Link to Language : Present Simple — Wh-Questions To talk about animal behavior —to tell about their habits and what they do — we can use the Present Simple Examples : Dolphins swim in groups . One dolphin goes into the center of the circle , eats some fish and then goes back to the circle . To ask about animal behavior , we can use Wh-questions in the Present Simple . Examples : What does a dolphin eat ? Why do dolphins swim in groups ? How do they do that ? Wh-questions in the Present Simple begin with a Wh-word Answer on Student Work Paxes 71-72 . 1 When do we use each of the Wh-words ? & To ask about a place : where B > To ask about a person : c To ask about the way to do something : fl To ask about something : Q To ask about time : f To ask for a reason : 2 Complete the following questions using one of the above Wh-words . Use the answers to the questions to help you . £ do dolphins eat ? They eat fish . & _ do dolphins communicate with each other ? They use different kinds of sounds . @ do dolphins live ? They live in oceans and seas . fl do dolphins fish together ? Because they catch more fish by cooperating . B _ does a dolphin help another dolphin ? When another dolphin is sick or hurt . Wh-Words Who Where When What Why How

מטח : המרכז לטכנולוגיה חינוכית

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