8 My Way, Teacher's Guide identify the sounds that make up the words of the English language orally to then be able to apply these same sounds to reading when the time comes . Language learning starts with learning vocabulary and spoken language . Students hear words and repeat them . Repeating words and phrases as a class ( chorally ) is an important part of students hearing and making sounds . This is preparatory for independent production, as well as reading . ( Note that this choral repetition also happens during reading lessons . ) Use of L1 in EFL classroom In EFL classrooms with young learners whose L1 is Arabic or Hebrew, tasks specifically targeting novel phonemes ( sounds found in English, but not in their L1 ) are crucial for developing accurate pronunciation . While L1 comparisons can be beneficial for certain aspects of language learning, directly addressing these novel sounds is essential . By engaging in activities like minimal pair discrimination and production, sound i...  إلى الكتاب
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